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Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on Zoom

Sunday, November 17th; Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on ZOOM; 1:00 PM Pacific Time/4:00 PM Eastern Hosted by Acharya Mangalananda and Prajna Hallstrom. We meet with the idea of invoking […]

Thanksgiving Retreat at Sivananda Yoga Farm

Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley 14651 Ballantree Ln, Grass Valley, CA, United States

Thursday, November 28th; Thanksgiving Retreat at Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley; 14651 Ballantree Lane Ramana, Gloria and I will be with Prabhu Nam Kaur, the mother of Snatam Kaur at […]

Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on ZOOM

Sunday, December 15th; Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on ZOOM; 1:00 PM Pacific Time/4:00 PM Eastern Hosted by Acharya Mangalananda and Prajna Hallstrom. We meet with the idea of invoking […]

Retreat and Kirtans at Sivananda Bahamas

Sivananda Bahamas Retreat Paradise Island, Bahamas, Bahamas

Tuesday, December 31st; New Year’s Retreat at Sivananda Bahamas; Paradise Island I will once again be with my full band at the beautiful, tropical retreat in the Bahamas. We will […]

Live Kirtan in San Francisco

Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco 770 Dolores Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Saturday, January 11th; Kirtan with full band at Integral Yoga Institute: 770 Dolores St. San Francisco; 7:00 PM I will once again be with my full band at this wonderful […]

Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on ZOOM

Sunday, January 19th; Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on ZOOM; 1:00 PM Pacific Time/4:00 PM Eastern Hosted by Acharya Mangalananda and Prajna Hallstrom. We meet with the idea of invoking […]

In Person Anandamayi Ma satsang in Florida

I will be visiting Ma's devotees in south Florida on Friday, February 14th and sharing kirtan and Matri Satsang. If you are in the area, please join us. Please call […]

Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on Zoom

Sunday, February 16th; Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on ZOOM; 1:00 PM Pacific Time/4:00 PM Eastern Hosted by Acharya Mangalananda and Prajna Hallstrom. We meet with the idea of invoking […]

In Person Kirtan at Padma Studio in Fairfax

Padma Studio, Fairfax 56 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, CA, United States

Saturday, February 22nd. 7:00 PM Padma Studio; 56 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, CA 94930 I will be with my full band in this beautiful studio in Fairfax where so many kirtan […]

Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on Zoom

Sunday, March 16th; Matri Satsang of Anandamayi Ma on ZOOM; 1:00 Pacific/4:00 Eastern Hosted by Acharya Mangalananda and Prajna Hallstrom. We meet with the idea of studying Ma's life and […]